Terms & Conditions
1. Scope
These General Terms and Conditions apply to all guest accommodation contracts concluded between Mille Stelle and third parties (guests).
2. Reservations
The acceptance of a reservation made by a guest constitutes the agreement of an accommodation contract. This agreement, comprising the reservation of rooms, is binding to both parties to the contract. Reservations for rooms that have not yet been paid for are valid until 6 pm of the day of arrival. Guests are not entitled to accommodation in a particular room. The hotel reserves the right to re-let reserved rooms following expiry of the reservation period. The hotel will provide guests with a binding booking or reservation number and, upon request, a written booking confirmation. Restrictions as minimum length of stay, deposit and other conditions may apply to specific dates.
Once a room has been booked, it must not be resold, sublet and/ or passed on. In particular, rooms and/ or room quotas must not be passed on to third parties at prices above the actual room prices. Neither does Mille Stelle give any permission for the transfer or sale of the claim towards Mille Stelle. If such instances occur, Mille Stelle shall be entitled to cancel the booking, especially if the guest who has effected the transfer or sale has given the third party false details about the type of booking or about the payment. Moreover expressly doesn’t permit the hotel room to be used for any purposes other than accommodation.
3. Guaranteed reservations, cancellation periodsHow long can I cancel my reservation for free?
If you have made a guaranteed booking you can cancel two days in advance free of charge. Otherwise the full sum will be charged.
4. Advance payment of room charge
The price for a booking must be paid in advance and at the latest upon arrival at the hotel.
5. Value-added tax
Applicable rates are total gross rates including all taxes, fees and other charges. In case of changes of tax or fee rates as well as the charge of new or additional taxes and fees – that are unknown to the parties at this time – Mille Stelle reserves the right to adjust the named rates and prices accordingly.
6. Means of payment
The hotel accepts payments in cash in Euro by EC or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Diners and American Express). The Hotel doesn‘t provide any services on credit.
7. Occupancy times for reserved rooms
Guests may occupy their rooms from 3 pm on the day of arrival until 11 am on the day of departure.
8. Liability of Mille Stelle
Mille STelle accepts liability for any injury to life, limb or health where this is within its own responsibility. Furthermore, Mille Stelle also accepts liability for other damage, caused by violations of contractually typical duties where such breaches have been committed by Mille Stelle either wilfully or through gross negligence. Violations of duties by Mille Stelle include those committed by its legal representatives, employees or agents. Unless otherwise specified in these GTCs, Mille Stelle does not accept any further-reaching damage claims.
In the event of faults or defects in the performance of Mille Stelle, shall remedy the relevant situation upon receiving an immediate complaint from guests. The guest shall do everything that can be reasonably expected to help remove the fault and to keep potential damage as low as possible. Also, the guest shall report to Mille Stelle in good time any potential circumstance that may lead to exceptionally high damage. Mille Stelle accepts liability for items brought to the hotel within the parameters of the legal provisions (see German Civil Code, BGB, sections 701ff.). However, liability is limited to 100 times the room price (from EUR 600 to a maximum of EUR 3,500) and limited to EUR 800 for cash, securities and valuables. The claim shall lapse if the guest fails to report a given loss, destruction or damage of the relevant item to Mille Stelle as soon as he/ she has gained knowledge of the same (BGB section 703). Any unlimited liability is subject to the relevant statutory provision.
9. Non-smoking Hotel
All Mille Stelle Hotels are non-smoking hotels. Smoking in both the hotel’s public areas as well as guest rooms is therefore prohibited. The hotel shall be entitled to demand that guests reimburse any associated special cleaning costs, as well as loss of earnings arising from an inability to re-let a room, in the event of non-compliance. The hotel hereby expressly reserves the right to deduct these costs to the amount of at least EUR 200.00 from a guest’s credit card deposited for security.
10. Group reservations
Reservations of six rooms or more must be guaranteed by advance payment.
11. Final provisions
Changes and amendments to the agreements or to the general terms and conditions must be made with facsimile or electronic signature. Any unilateral changes or amendments by the guest are ineffective.
Mille Stelle Hotel Heidelberg GmbH | Goethestrasse 2 | D – 69115 Heidelberg